1/4cupelderflower liqueur,like St. Germaine or St. Elder
Juice of 1/2 lemonabout 2 tablespoons
Prepare ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If your machine requires freezing the bowl, be sure to do so at least 12 hours in advance!
Peel cucumbers and slice in half. Scrape out the seeds and reserve.
Chop cucumbers into 1-2 inch pieces and put into a mixing bowl.
Mix cucumbers with sugar, elderflower liqueur, and lemon juice. Strain the cucumber seeds through cheesecloth, a strainer, or a chinois. Add any liquid that you’re able to squeeze out to the cucumber mixture, and throw away the seeds.
Let sit for half an hour at room temperature so that the sugar, acid, and alcohol begin to break down the cucumbers. This process is called maceration.
Blend the mixture with an immersion blender, or in a food processor or blender until smooth.
Perform an egg test to check the sugar ratio. Place a gently washed and dried egg in the sorbet base. If the egg floats, you are good to go. If it sinks, remove the egg and add sugar or simple syrup one tablespoon at a time until the egg is able to float.
Chill in the refrigerator for an hour.
Churn according to manufacturer instructions.
Serve immediately for a softer texture, or freeze for a few hours before serving in dessert dishes, floats, or cocktails.