Homemade Sourdough Bread

Closeup of a sliced loaf of homemade sourdough bread on a wooden board, with a red background.

Learn to make your own sourdough bread at home. From creating and maintaining a starter to baking a beautiful artisan loaf, Foodal has everything you need!

The Best Homemade Caramel Candy

Caramels Recipe | Foodal.com

Amaze your friends with a spectacular homemade gift. These tasty caramel candies are sure to wow anyone lucky enough to receive them. Read more on Foodal!

Gluten-Free Soft Ginger Cookies

Recipe for Homemade Soft Ginger Cookies | Foodal.com

Soft, gluten-free ginger cookies that will warm you up with their spices this holiday season. A fresh batch of these can be made in just under 45 minutes!