The Best Quinoa “Oatmeal”

Recipe for Breakfast Cereal |

This gluten-free, protein-rich quinoa “oatmeal” is quick to make and will give you plenty of energy to start your morning.

Easy Indian Lamb Curry

A white porcelain bowl filled with an Indian lamb curry and coconut milk stew | Foodal

Think of beautiful cuts of lamb, fresh vegetables, aromatic spices filling the kitchen – an exotic dish that will make your senses sit up and take notice.

Wholesome Hamburger Soup

A large white ceramic bowl containing most of the hamburger soup | Foodal

This hearty and inexpensive soup is the ideal winter food to make once and eat for several days in a row.

Holiday Whiskey Truffles

Homemade Holiday Whiskey Truffles Recipe |

If you like whiskey and chocolate, then these truffles with a hint of whiskey and a coating of cocoa powder are the perfect dessert this holiday season!

The Easiest Homemade Granola

Recipe for Granola |

Our easy homemade granola is great to kick off your morning. Make a big batch on the weekend, and you’ll have breakfast for the whole week.