Decaf Coffee – Helping You Stay Healthy

Never worried about the effects of regular coffee and caffeine on your body? If you have a family history of diabetes, Alzheimer’s or cancer, you may want to reconsider.

Decaf Coffee and your Health |

Based on research carried out at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, there are many health and wellness effects on the body as a result of regular consumption of caffeine free coffee.

Beneficial Coffee Compounds

Coffee beans consist of compounds that add to their flavor, coloration, and odor, several of which were analyzed to determine whether they, in fact, possess health and wellness advantages.

Caffeic acid belongs to the phenol type of chemical compounds within coffee beans. Phenols are proven to have anti-carcinogenic and also anti-oxidant effects.

Also found in coffee beans is Chlorogenic acid, this acidic compound had been shown to lessen the amount of glucose produced in the liver. Gluclose is responsible for the hyperglycemic peak after you eat high carbohydrate foods.

The hyperglycemic peak can be noticed most often after you’ve eaten lunch and are tired and sluggish. Your body is converting the sugars into fat instead of burning off the calories.

According to the study, decaffeinated Coffee helps to stop mental decline associated with aging and some related diseases. Coffee facilitates the metabolic release of sugar into energy that can be readily utilized by the body’s cells.

People with Type 2 Diabetes or Alzheimer’s often undergo mental decline due to a reduction of sugar metabolizing in the brain and nervous system.

Cafestrol – The Good (and Bad) Effects on Your Health

Cafestrol is another component found in the beans and has widely varying health benefits and the decaffeination process does not remove it.  It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects that work in favor of the brain’s ability to perform and increases the amount of bile acids (a good thing) produced by the liver.

Decaffeinated coffee improves well-being |

Cafestrol is most abundant in french press coffee and other non-paper filter brewing methods (i.e. metal screen) as the paper filters block a good majority of it from passing through to the brew.

However, those suffering from high levels of “bad” cholesterol may want to check with their physician. Other studies performed by the Baylor College of Medicine found that Cafestol increased cholesterol by attaching to a receptor inside the intestines.

This receptor is responsible for regulation of cholesterol.

For those suffering from high levels of cholesterol, the Chemex Coffeebrewer may be a good choice as it features some of the thickest paper filters on the market and very little Cafestol makes its way through.

The Health Benefits

Effects on Alzheimer’s and Age

Decaffeinated coffee retains the beneficial polyphenols found in regular green and roasted coffee beans. These compounds improve the brain’s memory functions and cognitive abilities.

Cancer Prevention

Although some of the anti-oxidants are removed during the decaffeination process, anti-oxidants levels in decaf coffee remain fairly high and can help to limit the effects of cancer and aging. Pier reviewed studies have proven that habitual decaffeinated coffee drinkers have a significant reduction of colon and breast cancers.

Protects Cells and Prevents Diabetes

Once again, the beneficial chlorogenic acid is left in place through the process(s) that remove the caffeine. The acid assists in regulating blood sugar levels and helps to prevent an insulin rush after the intake of carbohydrates and high sugar foods.

Also, the formidable levels of anti-oxidants remove free radicals that oxygenate cells within the body and stop cell structure damage which may lead to diabetes.

Why Not Regular Coffee?

Caffeine has been shown to have a positive correlation with some heart problems such as palpitations, strokes, and heart attacks. Of course many other factors have an effect on this as well such as age, genetics, other dietary habits and tobacco use.

However, removing another small variable may make a difference between having a heart issue and not having one.

Decaffeniated coffee may not have the bright eye effect of regular coffee, but if you have a family history of heart issues, Alzheimer’s disease, or diabetes, you may want to consider switching.

So pour yourself a nice decaf cup of joe from that carafe, sip, and enjoy.


Mount Sinai Medical Center. “Decaffeinated coffee may help improve memory function and reduce risk of diabetes.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 February 2012. <>.

Baylor College of Medicine. “How Coffee Raises Cholesterol.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 June 2007. <>.

About Lynne Jaques

Lynne is a stay-at-home mother of two boys. As a former US military officer and the spouse of an active duty US military member, Lynne enjoys traveling the world (although not the moving part!) and finding new cuisine and methods of preparing food. She also has the habit of using parenthesis way too much!

27 thoughts on “Decaf Coffee – Helping You Stay Healthy”

  1. This is a great article to have come across because most articles I’ve read on the subject do not mention decaffeinated. I have seen some people post online that for some of them, coffee helps to reduce acne. I have personally used it ( regular, not decaffeinated ) to help reduce my asthma symptoms in the event that I have run out of my prescription inhaler and need to make a trip to fill out the prescription again.

  2. I don’t believe that caffeine is as bad as people say it is, but there are definitely certain individuals that should minimize their intake. I love coffee, and I used to drink about three cups per day of the stuff without any adverse effects. It’s definitely healthy if you drink it often without going overboard, although I would say that the amount I was drinking wasn’t necessarily a wise choice.

  3. Decaf is a great choice these days. I have a friend who is allergic to caffeine so he has to have decaffeinated and his friend also has diabetes and prefers to have it as well.

    Fortunately, I have a choice and while it does have health benefits, I normally just drink it on social occasions these days. However, caffeine addicts may find it harder to adjust. I think a good cup of java should be enjoyed on occasion, but also in moderation as it does stain the teeth.

  4. This was a great read, I’ve never really viewed coffee as healthy because of its addictive caffeine properties. I always have been more of a tea (herbal, green) person, because there isn’t as much caffeine and I felt there were more benefits. But now I know how great decaf can be, I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for the info!

  5. I commend this for exploring the scientific side the debate; it really pays off to thoroughly read this article. Personally, I attempt to steer clear of caffeinated beverages for their addictive properties. I also find that they are also highly dehydrating. However, my family tends to view this as a “taboo” subject as they are all avid “full on” coffee drinkers. I will definitely take this into consideration the next time I shop for groceries.

  6. Great article! In an effort to improve my health and return to natural foods, I have been reading articles on health benefits of polyphenols. I had not considered decaffeinated as an option to help improve my health! I drink a morning shake made with almond milk and coffee. As I attempt to reduce/eliminate coffee from my diet, I think I will try some decaf. Who doesn’t need a brain boost, right? Thanks for sharing!

  7. Just to be clear here, I’m assuming that normal coffee has all the listed benefits in this article, but carries the risks you listed as well? I never knew it could be so healthy for you.

    Either way, perhaps I should consider adding it back into my daily routine, decaf of course.

  8. A couple of cups of cofffee a day should be absolutely fine but a decaffeinated option is great for those times where you crave the taste but don’t want the jitters. I’ve never drunk the stuff myself but I wouldn’t be surprised if it provides a temporary psychological lift – with the brain associating the flavour with an increase in energy.

  9. I consume a lot of coffee.
    More so latley because it’s free at work.
    I have had 2 pot days… well spread over 8-12 hours.
    I started using decaff more, sometimes I will make a half-caf (1/2 regular 1/2 decaf).
    Sometimes just the decaf, I hit a certain point and I know I am over my caffeine limit.
    Great to know the decaf is just as good for me! I love how it keeps all the polyphenols.
    I am going to be switching it in a lot more now.

  10. This is a great article. I don’t drink coffee, but my mother carries large cups to work with her every morning, and we do have a history of diabetes in our family. She also suffers from caffeine headaches when she doesn’t drink get her morning (and afternoon, and evening) brew. I tried getting her to switch to tea, but it didn’t work so well. I’ll definitely share this article with her; hopefully I can get her to stop this time.

  11. There’s a lot of great information here. I went decaffeinated years back, but added the caffeine back in when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, simply so I could continue to function. I am considering switching to half-caffeinated coffee now, though, because of an exacerbation of other symptoms. A friend has type II diabetes, and recently experimented, and found that the caffeine in her coffee was causing a dramatic increase in her blood sugar levels, so has cut back, also. Caffeine can be a blessing in some cases, but I agree, if you have specific conditions it affects negatively, it’s time to switch to decaffeinated coffee, and tea, as well.

  12. I’m a weekend coffee drinker. I rarely drink it during the work week unless it’s winter and cold. If I were to increase my intake for the health benefits, I would definitely opt for decaf. I recall my mother being addicted to the regular, everyday variety when I was a kid. She had a pretty tough time when she stopped drinking it.

  13. This was such a great read! I had no idea coffee had could cause so many problems. I drink it most everyday and I started drinking decaf when I got pregnant but now that I have had the baby I figured I might as well go back to regular brand and dosage but after reading this I am definitely going to stick with the decaf for sure.

  14. I feel like everything can be bad for you if consumed too much on a regualar basis but everything in moderation, in my opinion, is the best way to go. Everyone has their views and such on every topic like new found things that help certain allergies and such.

    However I can say I have tried decaffinated and I am not a big fan of it. For some reason it doesn’t taste the same. I am sure that I haven’t given it enough chances. I would be open to trying new brands or a new way to drink it. But for some reason I feel that if I were to replace it from the two cups I normally drink of just regualr coffee that it would be more or less the same for me to actually switch over on a daily basis…..

  15. I don’t drink coffee anymore but I used to every single day about 8 years ago. I actually stopped drinking it because it started to taste bad to me, totally out of nowhere. I never had decaf back then – it was always regular drip or double shot espressos. I recently had a cup of regular (there was no more hot chocolate and I was cold at work!) and I had such a bad headache. I’ve noticed most drinks with caffeine have given me headaches and dizziness. This is a great, informative article to read, so thank you! I’ll definitely share this with my coffee-addicted family and boyfriend.

  16. I don’t care if coffee is good or bad for my health. I love the stuff, and I drink two pots a day. I will continue to do so for as long as I can. It’s just a comforting thing for me I love the sell of it brewing as well as the feel of that warm cup in my hand.

  17. This is real news to me since a lot of people around me (and some doctors) tell me that coffee, generally, is good for you and that decaf doesn’t have the same health benefits as the caffeinated ones. I love my coffee and I take it every day to feel alive and awake so this is something I’m still trying to accept and get in my head. I’d hate to let go of my regular coffee but since I have family history with cancer, I’m considering to go decaf.

  18. I’ve just recently started to take my coffee decaf. I’ve been a coffee addict for a while now, and while I don’t believe that caffeine is just awful for you (there are benefits), I think that for some it might not be the best option. I, for instance, have anxiety, and I noticed that my I am more susceptible to anxiety attacks when I’ve had coffee. My heart rate is up because of the coffee, and that just puts me more on edge. I’m surprised I hadn’t realized it sooner, but, it definitely has an effect on my levels of nervousness.
    Since I’ve been drinking decaf, I really haven’t noticed a change in my level of attention, or energy levels even. I had thought that I would be tired, that it wouldn’t have the same awakening effect. I think I may have just associated the flavor of coffee with being awake, and my brain is being tricked. I’m loving the decaffeinated coffee life, and reading this article has really put things into perspective for me. I feel now more than ever, that I’ve made the right choice for my health and wellbeing.

  19. I have to admit that coffee is one of the most addictive beverages in this generation. I am glad that it has its benefits too. Just wanna know how many people are addicted to coffee in this forum.

  20. I have never had decaffeinated coffee so I don’t even know the difference taste wise. I have a grampa that has diabetes but he never drinks decaf. He also likes his coffee strong with not much sugar in it. I would definitely like to give this drink a try for the experience.

    • @Jasmine2015, there is no big difference between the two types of coffee. Try taking normal coffee without sugar and you’ll know what i mean.

  21. I know many people who assume decaf is not good even though they have never tried it. I drink regular coffee and decaf, and I think decaf tastes just as good. I realize some people only drink coffee for the effects of the caffeine, but if you’re someone like me who drinks coffee all day, it’s nice to have decaf at night.

  22. My mother is a huge fan of decaf! The regular one makes her stomach hurt. I bet that she will be happy when I tell her about health benefits of drinking decaffeinated coffee that I’ve found out about from this article. I’ll give it a go too, if I find an express one.

  23. Just came back here to share another interesting little tid bit I was just reading about.
    I will let you all google this for yourself, but a new study just came out.
    In this study they linked consumption of this good stuff (both regular and caffeine free) to a 44% reduction in the chance of alcohol related liver disease! Now I never promote over consumption of booze, but if you happen to imbibe then the next day cup does more to fight off the hangover, it can actually keep your liver safe.

  24. Well now, this is good to hear! There has been so much back and forth over the years about coffee being good/coffee being bad, over and over again.

    When it comes to my own case, I just drink the stuff without thinking much about it. Never excessively, though… and I’ve been drinking more and more decaf and will probably drink it exclusively as soon as my regular runs out.

  25. I had absolutely no idea about how coffee can actually affect a person with Alzheimer desease…that’s pretty scary. On the other hand, I haven’t really tried decaf coffee, I think that I gave it a taste years ago, but I didn’t really like it because “it was not the same”, but I’m pretty sure that decaf coffee can actually bring the same type of energy than regular coffee just by thinking that’s not decaf, mind over matter!
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


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